Age Discrimination Attorney

As stated by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: If you are age 40 or older, you are protected by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).  The law forbids discrimination in any aspect of employment including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.  It is also unlawful to harass someone because of his or her age.

Age Discrimination and Harassment can take many include offensive remarks about a person's age.  Although the law doesn't protect you from simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that aren't very serious, harassment is illegal when it so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).  The harasser and perpetrator of age discrimination can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.

Age, is the product of the workings of nature rather than the individual's free choice.  Once one turns 40 years old, they attain a permanent status that is as immutable as race or sex.  Age discrimination attacks one's self worth just like race or sex discrimination.  Age discrimination, also known as Ageism is the stereotyping and discrimination against people just because of their age.   There are many examples of age discrimination but some include: (1) jokes or unwanted comments on the basis of age; (2) lower pay for the same work; (3) hiring someone else just because they are younger; (4) requiring the older employees to handle the undesirable or humiliating tasks; or (4) layoffs of the older employees and not the younger employees.

California Law as well as Federal Law prohibits age discrimination.

What if your working conditions are intolerable?

Sometimes, the age discrimination at your place of employment is so intolerable there is no reasonable alternative than quitting.  The conditions must be so severe and pervasive that a reasonable person would think they have no other alternative.  While you should report the conditions in compliance with your employer's reporting procedure, in writing, if possible, you should contact Freiman Legal as soon as possible to determine your rights.  There are statutory time bars to claims.  You should not fear retaliation as the law protects employees from retaliation.

Contact Freiman Legal to explore your rights.

At Freiman Legal, we provide a free consultation and case evaluation so there is no reason not to speak with us.  An age discrimination attorney will personally listen to your story and advise you on the proper course of action.  An employment policy or practice that applies to everyone, regardless of age, can be illegal and constitute age discrimination if it has a negative impact on applicants or employees age 40 or older and is not based on a reasonable factor other than age.  Freiman Legal can assist you with all aspects of an age discrimination claim.  Contact us today at (310) 917-1004 or via the form on the right for a free consultation and complimentary case evaluation.

If you’re 40 or older, and you’ve been working in the entertainment industry and you suddenly lost your job for no reason you can think of, you may be a victim of age discrimination in Hollywood.

The entertainment industry has always considered itself a “young” industry, meaning that they prefer to employ people who are in their 20’s and 30’s.  The alleged reason for this is they feel that their main audience is young and the only way to create movies and television and other entertainment for this audience is to have young people working for them.  This way of thinking has led to age discrimination in Hollywood.

Anyone who has worked in the entertainment industry knows that talented people, regardless of their age, can create movies and television programming for any age group.  Unfortunately, the entertainment industry has failed to grasp this important fact and many talented people age 40 and over, who are ready, willing, and able to work for many more years, have been the victims of age discrimination in Hollywood and have lost their jobs.

If you have been fired for no reason and you believe that you are a victim of age discrimination in Hollywood, you should immediately contact Freiman Legal, which is law firm that specializes in Employment Law and Entertainment Law and is uniquely qualified to deal with clients who are victims of age discrimination in Hollywood.

If you are age 40 or older, you are protected against age discrimination in Hollywood by the Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act.  This law protects you from being fired; being denied a promotion; being paid a lower salary; being denied benefits provided to younger employees; as well as other protections.  If your employer has violated the Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act, among other awards, you may be entitled to: all your salary, benefits, and other compensation you’ve been denied; being reinstated if you were fired or getting the promotion you were denied (or in the alternative, getting compensation for these future earnings which were denied); and your employer may have to pay your attorneys’ fees and court costs.

Contact Freiman Legal for a free consultation regarding age discrimination in Hollywood at (310) 917-1004 or via the form on the right.