Hollywood Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

With Americans in greater numbers reaching retirement age and beyond and, in many cases, living well beyond what they ever thought possible, more and more senior citizens are opting for nursing homes and other residential care facilities. Some estimates indicate that individuals 65 and over will comprise roughly 20 percent of the U.S. population by 2050. 

Though for most people, nursing homes offer precisely the type of attentive, safe and professional care environments the elderly deserve, an unacceptable number of seniors are subjected to abuse and/or neglect. If it appears that such a facility has not lived up to its duty to protect you or someone you love, it is time to get in touch with a nursing home abuse attorney in Hollywood who will work hard to assert your rights. 

Taking Action When Abuse or Neglect is Apparent

Far too many nursing facilities across the country suffer from inadequate staffing, both in terms of the number and quality of employees on hand. This increases the likelihood that mistreatment of patients will go undetected or unaddressed. Therefore, it is crucial that anytime signs of abuse are noted, prompt action is taken by family members or other advocates for the victimized seniors. Sadly, abuse or maltreatment in the nursing home context can take many forms, including emotional, physical, financial, psychological and even sexual harm. 

Verbal and Psychological Harm

Abuse within this category can involve name calling, threats, belittling and shaming elderly residents until they experience anxiety, emotional distress or despair. When insulting language is used toward a senior citizen in a residential community, it may be a sign of deeper neglect or abuse, and as such, should not be ignored. 

Physical Neglect and Mistreatment

One of the most insidious types of nursing home abuse is that related to the physical harming of patients in such facilities. Hitting, pushing or unduly restraining residents falls within this classification. Physical punishment or improper administration of medications also constitute improper conduct in this realm. Anytime conduct of such a nature is witnessed or suspected, the assistance of an elder abuse attorney with Freiman Legal is critical. 

Sexually-Related Abuse in Nursing Homes

When it comes to nursing home abuse scenarios, misconduct of a sexual nature is perhaps among the most horrifying to contemplate. Actions that fall into this classification could include directing lewd or degrading language toward residents, but it could also include sexual assault itself. Tragically, far too many senior citizens who have been subjected to such crimes feel too ashamed to report their attackers and pursue justice. 

Family Vigilance is Key

It is not always easy for family and friends of seniors to spot the signs of abuse or neglect because many of those subjected to mistreatment in residential facilities are already experiencing symptoms of cognitive decline. Indicators of a potential problem requiring additional investigation include things such as: 

  • Visible bruising
  • Unexplained or unintended weight loss
  • Decline in personal hygiene
  • Bedsores
  • Burns
  • Unusually aggressive behaviors
  • Withdrawal from hobbies or social relationships
  • Unanticipated financial distress


It should be noted that the appearance of one or perhaps even several of the above manifestations does not always mean that a senior is being abused or neglected by a caregiver. However, it is important for family and friends to keep close tabs going forward to ensure that appropriate legal action can be taken when additional indicators of mistreatment reveal themselves. 

Aligning with a Zealous Advocate for California Seniors

Expansion of the residential nursing care industry shows no signs of slowing as the population of elderly individuals continues to grow. It is the responsibility of everyone to make certain that elderly citizens are afforded the high quality, compassionate attention they deserve once they enter a nursing home. 

If you suspect that a loved one has been subjected to neglect or abuse in a nursing care environment and it has led to injury or even death, now is the time to contact a nursing home abuse attorney in Hollywood who is committed to securing accountability, compensation and justice in your case. The sooner Freiman Legal enters the fray on your family's behalf, the greater the chance of obtaining a positive result.